Interactive exploration of schistosome expression data

public and re-analyzed; multi-species; at the levels of bulk, single-cell, and spatial atlases!

Explore V2

New Features

Interactive viz

(Multiple) Gene queries, flexible embeddings and metadata.

Web sharing

Share the current visualization state easily in a URL.

Smart search

Fast expression exploration in multiple datasets simultaneously. is now more powerful and interactive.

Serving schisto researchers since 2018, now offers enhanced datasets, interactive visualisation solutions, and a re-designed powerful search engine.

Multimodal datasets

Bulk RNA-seq for all life stages; integrative re-analysis; single-cell atlases; spatial expression (ITF).

Interactive and sharable

Browser-based interactive visualisation supports multiple queries and embeddings, easy share of states via URLs.

Easy customization

Metadata selection, point colors/sizes, subsetting, distribution and composition plots, all highly customizable.

Powerful search

The search engine has been re-designed to provide an expression overview across multiple datasets, fast and robust.

Robust Search & Expression Overview

Fast visualisation of expression in millions of cells / samples, across multiple datasets, at one time.

Explore your favourite gene

Atlas-level Datasets

Sm integrative RNA-seq

Sm integrative RNA-seq

Data as in v7test, plus sTe and sOv, 182 samples. See doc

Sm life cycle RNA-seq

Sm life cycle RNA-seq

75 samples (larval to juvenile) from Buddenborg et al 2023. PMID:37935722

Sm miracidia scRNA-seq

Sm miracidia scRNA-seq

Data with 20K mircidium cells from Attenborough et al 2024. PMID:39190022

Sm D5 sporocysts scRNA-seq

Sm D5 sporocysts scRNA-seq

Data with 601 D5 sporocyst cells from Soria et al 2024. PMID:38472267

Sm somule scRNA-seq

Sm somule scRNA-seq

Data with 3K somule cells from Soria et al 2020. PMID:33339816

Sm adults scRNA-seq

Sm adults scRNA-seq

Data from Wendt et al 2020 with 43K cells, combined clusters. PMID:32973030

Sm ovary scRNA-seq

Sm ovary scRNA-seq

Data from Moescheid et al 2024 with 2K cells. [in press]

Sj bulk RNA-seq larval stages

Sj bulk RNA-seq larval stages

Sj bulk RNA-seq data from Cheng et al 2022 PMID:35025881, 12 larval samples.

Sj bulk RNA-seq 14-28d

Sj bulk RNA-seq 14-28d

Sj bulk RNA-seq data from Wang et al 2017 PMID:28287085, 48 samples 14-28dpi, re-processed

Sj adult scRNA-seq

Sj adult scRNA-seq

S. japonicum adult scRNA-seq (in prep) with 60K cells.

Smed scRNA all timepoints

Smed scRNA all timepoints

Planarian 55K cells at different regeneration time, norm counts. PMID:37268637

Smed spatial spots

Smed spatial spots

Slightly modified planarian Visium data of 12 sections, explore. PMID:37268637


Lifecycle Timepoints


Bulk Samples


K Single Cells


Spatial Sections

Latest Doc

Data: Sj BulkRNA 14-28d

Raw sequencing data from Wang et al 2017 were downloaded and re-mapped to HuSjV2 genome. Normalised expression based on library-size and gene length were calculated using edgeR.

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Feel free to drop me a message via social media / email / contact form. If you find the resource useful, please cite (for now)

Lu et al, bioRxiv 308213 (2018)
SchistoXYZ (